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Pot o’ Gold:

With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, everyone is seeing green. Now’s the perfect time to check in on your green by reflecting on your financial habits. What money moves can you make today that will improve your financial luck in the months ahead?

Enjoy some tips to help you grow your pot of gold in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day.

Tip #1: Embrace the Luck of the Budget
Like a four-leaf clover, a well-crafted budget can bring you luck and prosperity. Begin by outlining your income and expenses. Make sure to include bills and utilities, debt payments, and essentials like gas and groceries. Don’t forget to include your savings goals and determine your monthly contributions. Treat your savings like a normal bill to pay monthly. This tactic will ensure you’re actively putting money aside for the future.

By spending time creating a realistic budget, you’re ensuring that you allocate funds wisely to cover all your needs and savings - while still leaving room for fun.

Tip #2: Seek Out Your Pot of Gold
Rather than chasing rainbows with hopes of finding a pot of gold at the end, seek out more realistic riches. Consider investing in share certificates, money market accounts, IRAs, stocks and bonds, or other opportunities to grow your wealth.

Take time to research different investment vehicles or speak with your financial advisor to determine which is right for you. Choose the option(s) that best aligns with your risk tolerance and financial objectives. And remember, patience is the rainbow that will lead you to your pot of gold.

Tip #3: Shrink Your Spending
Leprechauns may be known for being on the smaller side, but they are also known for being very careful with their gold. There are lessons to be learned from our frugal friends! Another way you can keep your green is by being diligent about cutting costs and getting rid of unnecessary expenses.

Review your monthly spending habits and look for ways to save. Consider switching to more affordable alternatives like generic brands for some everyday items, commit to dining in more than dining out, and reach out to your phone, cable, or internet provider to negotiate a better-priced package.

Tip #4: Don’t Fall for Tricks
Another thing leprechauns are known for is their cunning tricks. A financial trick you may fall for is succumbing to impulse purchases that sneak up on you and deplete your funds. Before making a purchase, especially a larger one, ensure you’re giving yourself the time to think it over before adding it to your cart.

  • Identify whether the item is a want or a need.
  • Ask yourself if it’s something you can live without or that can wait until later.
  • Whether buying it aligns with your financial goals.

We’re Here to Help!
As you prepare to don your best green attire to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, make sure you’re also thinking about the green in your account. Take time to reflect on your financial habits and goals. Then, identify where you can make changes that will help grow your green. Remember, with a bit of luck – and financial discipline – you can keep your pot of gold shining bright.

If you want to learn more about growing your savings or how to eliminate high-interest debt, we’re ready to help. Please stop by the Credit Union or call us at 410-687-5240.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!