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Depositing & Withdrawing Funds

Making Deposits

  • At the Office: In person at our Baltimore office at our ATM, through our drive thru or the night deposit box.
  • Mobile Deposit: Deposit a check using the Mobile Banking app and your smart phone. See below for details.
  • Payroll Deduction from any organization that offers it. Check with your payroll department. Our routing and transit number is 252076390.
  • Direct Deposit of payroll, pension, Social Security or any other recurring payment. Our routing and transit number is 252076390.
  • By Mail: Give us a call for a supply of deposit slips and mailing envelopes.
  • At a Foreign ATM: Make Deposits at the ATM with Co-op's Shared Deposit Program! Members with a checking account may access the Co-op ATM network's shared deposit program. Through Shared Deposits, you may deposit checks and at some ATMs deposit cash at the ATM's of other financial institutions participating in the program if you have an LM Federal ATM or VISA Check Card. For a list of participating ATM's, visit the ATM locator.
  • By Wire Transfer: You may wire funds to a deposit account or to payoff a loan. Fees may apply. Click here for additional information.

Our Mobile Deposit service allows you to deposit checks directly into your LMFCU personal checking, savings or money market account using your Android phone or iPhone.
You must have enrolled for Mobile Banking by downloading the NEW Mobile Banking app to use Mobile Deposit. Once you log into Mobile Banking, select the “Deposit” option.

IMPORTANT: The back of your check must contain the following text: “REMOTE DEPOSIT ONLY AT LMFCU”.
Your deposit will be rejected if this text is not present.

There are limits and restrictions on the use of Mobile Deposit. Please read the Mobile Deposit frequently asked questions by clicking on the link below.

Mobile Deposit Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Withdrawing Funds

  • At the Office: 
    - In Person or at the drive thru teller lane. Up to $6,000 available in cash per day, or by check up to the available balance. You may also cash a check.
    - At the Credit Union drive up ATM which is available 24 hours a day. Daily limit is typically $500.
  • By Telephone: A withdrawal check is mailed to your home. FedEx delivery is also available.
  • With Your ATM or VISA Check Card at any Co-op, Star or Cirrus ATM
    Find a no-surcharge CO-OP ATM by either using our online locator or our no-surcharge mobile app locator.
  • With Your Smartphone and Apple Pay, Google Wallet or Samsung Pay
  • Using Internet Bill Pay: to electronically transfer funds to an account elsewhere. You may transfer funds into an account in your name or an account in another person's name elsewhere or to pay any type of bill.
  • By Writing a Check, if you have a LM Federal Checking Account.
  • Wire Transfer: You may request a wire-out transfer in person or by telephone (limits apply).
  • By Electronic Transfer with our MoneyMover transfer system. Funds are electronically transferred to your local Checking Account by the morning of the following business day after the transfer was processed. Apply for our MoneyMover Service!

What Is MoneyMover?
MoneyMover is a service that electronically transfers funds from your LMFCU share account to your checking account at any financial institution in the United States. To apply, complete the application below and return it along with a voided check from your checking account. It takes approximately one week to activate MoneyMover for your account.

How Do I Request A MoneyMover Transfer? The process is easy. Any account owner (primary owner or joint owner) may initiate a MoneyMover transfer by phone, in person or through Online or Mobile Banking. Provide us with the Credit Union account number and the owner's Social Security number, as usual. Let us know you'd like the funds transferred via MoneyMover to your local account (you won't need to provide that account number; we already have it). MoneyMover transfers may be made from your share account only; transfer funds from other Credit Union accounts (if needed) to your Credit Union share account and then initiate a MoneyMover withdrawal. Any withdrawal request received by 3:00 PM will be processed that day.

How Are The Funds Transferred? MoneyMover transfers are made by ACH (Automated Clearing House) credit, the same method by which direct deposit of payroll is handled. ACH transfers are a safe, fast and reliable method of moving funds. Should you wish, you may still request that a withdrawal check be mailed to your home.

When will the funds be deposited to my local account? The funds transferred will be posted to your local account by the morning of the following business day after the transfer was processed. For example, a MoneyMover transfer initiated by 3:00 pm on Monday will be deposited to your local account by Tuesday morning.

Are There Any Limitations Or Fees? You may make up to 3 MoneyMover transfers per month at no charge. There is a $5 fee for each transfer made after the third per month or if the transfer amount is less than $100. Confirmation of the transfer will be included on your regular Credit Union statement of account; no other confirmation notice will be sent to you.

Other Important Information: Should you wish to change the account that MoneyMover transfers are deposited to, please contact the Credit Union for a new MoneyMover enrollment form. You may only designate one account elsewhere to receive MoneyMover transfers. You may cancel your ability to make MoneyMover transfers by phone or in writing. How Do I Enroll? Click here to print and complete a MoneyMover Application. Mail the application, along with a voided check from your other financial institution to the Credit Union.

Mailing address: LM Federal Credit Union, 101 Chesapeake Park Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21220

Once we receive the application, you will be able to initiate MoneyMover transfers in 7 calendar days. You will receive a confirmation letter in the mail once your account has been setup.